4 October 2013

Card Making Haul - September

Hello there, I am back again for the second time today (my latest CBS Teaser card is below) to share my card making haul for the month of September. It felt like I had made so many haul videos in September so I do apologise if you are fed up with them now! Apart from the individual hauls I did, here is what else I bought in the month of September ...


I was unable to link the washi tape as it is no longer available from that seller on Etsy, sorry.
Thanks so much for visiting me again today, see you tomorrow for the Clearly Besotted Blog Hop (yay!).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. I love haul videos and I could listen to you talk all day! Thanks for taking the time to do these!

  4. Beautiful poinsettia colouring and love how soft it looks on the craft card stock!

  5. PRetty cards! Thanks for the inspiration! What a lovely giveaway!


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