21 July 2008

Elzybells Love

Woohoo! YAY!! I have made it on to the first Elzybells Design Team - I am gobsmacked but SO excited!! I always think my cards a are bit simple for some people's tastes but so glad that Elizabeth likes them. Elizabeth is an excellent designer and the new website and blog are fab! The DT line up looks great, here is the entire list:

Alex Eaton, UK
Angel Rivera, USA
Beverly Rousch, USA
Charlene Austin, Canada
Dawn Wheeler, UK
Deborah Southard, USA
Eva Costigan, USA
Frances Byrne, Australia
Inge Groot, The Netherlands
Jeanne Streiff, USA
Katie Stilwater, USA
Kim Fee, UK
Kitty Frampton, UK
Maria Adams, UK
Michelle Short, UK
Michelle Woerner, USA
Pam Fraser, UK
Paula Williamson, USA
Rachel Hope Baird, USA
Shannan Teubner, USA
Stephanie Mayne, UK
Tobi Crawford, Canada

I am really looking forward to working with you guys and a BIG thank you goes to Elizabeth.


  1. well done Michelle!!! your cards are beautiful, you will be a great team member for them, :) x

  2. Congratulations Michelle, you deserve it. x

  3. Yippeeeeeeee I'm so pleased that you've been chosen to be on the design team Michelle - Where are you going to find time to work is my only question! Well Done and looking forward to seeing your work.

    Love Pam xx

  4. congratulations and well deserved, your cards are always so elegant. I have already bought a couple of stamps and now have a loyalty card so it would be rude not to buy more!!! Sue :o)

  5. Congrats on your DT news! Look forward to working with you as part of the Elzybells team! x

  6. congrats Michelle, looking forward to working on this DT with you

  7. Hi Michelle. Congrats on the DT. I just looked at your cards and they are WONDERFUL!! I am very excited to be part of the team with you.

    Gobsmacked---I LOVE that word!! LOL.

    Lots of big names in there. Have fun!

  9. Way to go Michelle!! So pleased for you and not surprised in the least she picked you as your cards are always fab! xx

  10. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Michelle!

  11. Congratulations on making the design team. I am not surprised, your work is just beautiful!

  12. Your cards are anything but simple hun, they're perfect. There is an art ato not overloading a card, sadly, I don't have it :o( Good luck with it Michelle, I'll look forward to seeing your creations.

  13. Hiya Michelle

    Congrats on making the DT - its all so exciting isn't it, can't wait to get some of the new stamps and get playing


    Alex xx

  14. congrats Michelle...sounds exciting! x

  15. Congratulations Michelle :)

  16. Well done Michelle. Your cards are stunning!


  17. WOW!!!!!! fantastic news Michelle and so very well deserved too. When you get 5, there's an award on my blog for you. Hope your ok and that your enjoying your placement. xx vicki xx

  18. Congratulations Michelle!! That's fantastic!!!!

  19. Hi Michelle, there is an award for you on my blog. x

  20. Well done Michelle, that's fantastic news!! It's very well deserved. Your cards are always so perfect. I look forward to seeing your new creations.
    xx :0)

  21. Well done on the DT...I like your blog....check out my blog www.cardsandchat.blogspot.com
    its my 1 year blogaversary

  22. Huge cograts babe xxx realy looking forward to being on the same team togeather xxxDawnxx

  23. Congratulations Michelle, Although you have just cost me £10 cos after reading your post I visited Elizabeth's site and just couldn't help myself!!

  24. Hiya Michelle, me again, just to let you know I've popped the two cards on my blog for the 2nd part of your blogoversary challenge, thanks lovely, take care, hope everythings ok with you and your placement xx vicki xx

  25. well done Michelle, I'm not surprised as your cards are great and I love your style

  26. Well done Michelle, fantastic news! Will have to catch up soon, I have no jobs anymore now so am at home all the time so hoping things a bit easier!! JUles x

  27. congrats to you!! i look forward to working with you!!

  28. Huge congrats Michelle!!! Fantastic news & sooooo deserved. Looking forward to seeing what you create.....but I know it will be brilliant!!!
    Kerry xxx

  29. Hi Michelle, hope your enjoying your weekend. There's a little something on my blog for you. Lots of love, Denise x

  30. Well it's no surprise to me! It was 'in the cards' so to speak!
    You deserve your place on the DT my friend. Viv xxx


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