1 July 2016

VIDEO | Card Making Haul - June 2016

Hello there, I am back today with my monthly card making haul. As always, I share these videos just to give you something fun to watch, to show what is out there and to show the sizes of the items 'in real life'. I hope you enjoy them.
I bought quite a few bits from the June MFT release, as well as some new bits for the upcoming Creative Chemistry class. Oh and of course, who can resist Doodlebug?! Here is a look at everything I bought:

Here are the links to the products that I shared in the video. Please click on the picture or wording to be taken to where I purchased it. Affiliate links are used on some products. This means that if you make a purchase after clicking on my link, I receive a small commission with no extra cost to you. I truly appreciate your support when using these links.

Thank you so much for visiting me today. I really do appreciate it. I hope you have a great day and I would love it if you would pop back tomorrow for the start of the Clearly Besotted teasers.


  1. Thank you for sharing your haul Michelle! I really enjoyed the video and I look forward to seeing the cards you create next.

  2. Great haul, Michelle!! Always love your videos!


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