22 March 2015

VIDEO | Simon Says Stamp Haul #8

Hello there, I am back with another haul to share with you. This time from Simon Says Stamp. There was a few things that I had wanted for a while and eventually I managed to get them, so this is a bit of a mish mash of items!
I apologise for the poor quality video but here is what I got:

Here are the links to what I shred in the video. Please click the picture to be taken to where I purchased it.

Thanks so much for visiting me today, I hope you are having a great weekend. I hope to be back soon with some more actual cards!


  1. I think I'm going to have to get some of those sequins and that ink pad! Xx Sharon

  2. :( think your videos got mixed up. It just reverts to the Hero Arts Onbre Inks ideo. Xx


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