10 July 2014

Broken Computer/Blogging Break

Hello there, I just wanted to pop in and explain where I am! Unfortunately there has been a problem with my PC these last (almost) two weeks. My brother (who is an expert) doesn't know what is wrong so therefore cannot fix it :( He is building me a new one as we speak which will be better, faster and more efficient all round. I have edited and saved videos on his computer before and they take around 30 mins max. On mine currently, it takes almost four hours! I will be very much looking forward to that speed and hopefully it will mean I can make more videos too as I love doing those :)
I am hoping that it will be only about a week before I get my new PC (maybe sooner) so I will be back shortly but taking this opportunity to make some new cards and get my creative mojo back (since I haven't been well I feel it has been lacking).
So that's where I have been/where I will be. I hope you can bear with me. I will be back soon! I hope you are all well.


  1. Hi Michelle, computers are the best things when they are working but the worst when they are not. Don't worry we'll all be waiting to see what you've been up to in your little break know doubt. Take care and enjoy some of the lovely weather we are having- but if you're like me you may want to stay out of it because it's too hot!!! I'm on the summer hols countdown- 1 week to go!!!! Rebecca x

  2. So look forward to your being back. Yay! A new computer. Hope it all works perfectly for you. Blame brother if not!! Seriously Michelle. Hope you are feeling much better. X

  3. hope the computer and you feel 100% soon x

  4. I know what a pain PC's can be! I have a love/hate relationship with mine . . . I love it when it's going along nicely, and hate it when it goes wrong! I'm glad you are feeling better Michelle and look forward to when you are back up and running at full speed!

  5. Here's hoping you get your new PC quick sticks Michelle. It's like losing your arm being without it. You are wise to make cards in it's absence while your mojo is stirring it's stumps! xxx

  6. Looking forward to seeing new videos. Hope you are back to normal health wise now. And super jealous of your getting a new computer lol x

  7. So glad we know where you have been? Was concerned you had gone on a walkabout!


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