14 May 2014

Simon Says Stamp Haul #5

Hello there, so I resisted the Simon Says Stamp colours for so long but finally I could resist no more! I am one of those people who feels the need to have whole collections of things like inks pads. For some reason it just feels uncomfortable knowing that some are missing. Well, either I didn't get any of the ink pads or I just got some. I do not have the money nor the space to buy them all unfortunately but there were just some colours that I HAD to get! I also popped in a couple of essentials to my cart when ordering too.
Here is what I got:


Do any of you have the SSS colours? Which are your favourites? I think I am going to love the blues I got and of course, I always love lavender! :) Thanks so much for visiting me today. I will be back tomorrow with the new Clearly Besotted Challenge, hope to see you then!


  1. You make me smile and I can understand you so good! I think we all have the same addiction =)

  2. Get video- I'm with you on colour collections- it feels like it has to be all of nothing! Don't think I've said congratulations on your graduation yet, well done! Rebecca x

  3. I always love watching your haul videos. I'm amazed that you get your Simon Says orders so quickly. I'm in Canada and it seems like my orders take more than a week just to generate a "shipped" status and then two more weeks after that to get to me. Sigh! Wish I knew your secret to receiving orders more quickly!


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