14 March 2014

Doodlebug Design Haul #4

Hello there, when CHA was on Doodlebug showed some amazing products, I knew then that I was going to NEED them! I have been waiting months for them to be released and now some of them are (I haven't found a UK supplier that has the vellum yet). I bought the majority of it from The Glitter Pot but I also got a few bits from Craft Mojo (who I love for having the sequin assortment in stock!)

Here is what I got ...

I hope you enjoyed seeing my (massive) Doodlebug haul. Oh how I adore the colours! :o) Thanks so much for visiting me today, have a great day!


  1. love !! love !!! love !!! ♥ xx

  2. Great haul Michelle, I also love Doodlebug and missed out on The Glitter Pots sampler set of Sequins. I ordered them last weeks via ebay and they are on their way to me from the US. Now I've seen your haul, I can't wait to get them. Have fun playing with your new goodies. Hugs, Sharon x

  3. Ooh Michelle, this has made me jealous! ;-) I always think of you when I see Doodlebug though! Thanks for visiting my blog and the lovely message, I've been keeping really well thank you and enjoying it so far! I hope you are well!

    Beth xx

  4. Love your haul Michelle! Doodle bug stuff is so bright and cheery! Just thinking, now you got the rainbow set of sequins can you not return the bigger pots to Glitter Pot and recoup some of your pennies? No point in having two lots!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox

  5. Was just looking at that sequin assortment pack but hard to gauge the size/weight of each vial. Approx how many sequins do you reckon are in each?
    Kathleen Mc xx


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