21 July 2012

Candy Winner & Blogging Break

I am so sorry for the delay in getting this up. The winner of the Gillian Roberts stamps as picked by Random.org is ...

Comment no: 53

Congratulations Jane, please could you email me your address and I will get the stamps to you asap. Thank you to all that entered.

Sorry I have been MIA recently, I haven't been well and my dissertation is due at the end of the month so I don't think I will be around much till after then. I do have a card I have already made which I hope to get up shortly though. I hope you all understand ...

Best wishes to you all


  1. Hope you're back soon I'm sure everyone is missing your inspiration,

    Rebecca x

  2. Parabéns, Jane!
    Muito obrigada, Michelle!


  3. Hi Michelle
    I hope your ongoing health problems get sorted out soon.
    Good luck with your dissertation!

  4. Good luck getting your dissertation done and I hope you feel better soon. Congratulations to Jane!

  5. Take care of yourself first, Michelle! And once you are all better and the stress is lower, then think of the fun with time and space to craft. Its all good.

  6. hi Michelle,
    sorry to hear you are suffering again i wish you a speedy recoveryx
    thinking of you
    Suzie Qx

  7. Good luck with the dissertation. Sharon Louise x

  8. Oh missus, try not to stress to much about your dissertation coz that won't be helping your health any!!! And please don't apologise, life is just like that sometimes, busy, there's always something else happening and us crafters only know too well how difficult it is to juggle, life, health, family & friends and craft, which gets shoved to the back burner!!

    We love every thing you do Michelle so just you do what you've gotta do and we'll be here when get back!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :O) xox


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