25 May 2009

It's True What they Say ... (Updated)

Crafters really are the nicest people :0) I woke up today and got to open the BIGGEST pile of cards and parcels ever and it made me feel so special thank you. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have sent me Birthday messages, cards and presents you have really made my day, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I am touched by your kindness and generosity. Here, in no particular order, is what I opened today ...

I will be contacting you all personally as soon as possible. I have had a nasty case of tonsilitis the past week, thankfully I can actually swallow today without being in absolute agony so I am hoping I am on the mend now!


  1. Wowww Michele,what beautiful cards.

    hugs Riet.x

  2. Happy Birthday Michelle. What gorgeous cards. x

  3. What a wonderful way to start the day...Hope your feeling better soon. Enjoy your Birthday!!!!

  4. You are more than welcome Michelle, hope you had a good day! Hey Natalie and Julia, great minds think alike!!!! Jules xx

  5. Happy Birthday hunny - your card from me should be with you tomorrow - popped it in the post on Saturday ... soz it is late sweetie. Hope your horrid throat improves and that you mange a bit of birthday cake!!
    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous cards with us all

  6. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so well Hun. Hope you had a good Birthday and I hope you feel better soon. Sue :o)

  7. Happy Birthday, You did very well, can see you will be very busy, Hugs Sarah BX

  8. Happy Birthday!! Wow, you got lot's og goodies, have fun with them all.

  9. So glad you had a lovely birthday Michelle! Lot's of yummy cards and pressies too! Glad to hear you are feeling better and I can't believe I have won your candy!! I'm so happy!
    Hugs, Vicky -x-

  10. Hope you had a great birthday Michelle. Tonsilitis is horrible, so I hope you managed to eat a little birthday cake! I was going to say the same as Julie about great minds - we know you love your purple!! Enjoy all your new goodies, you got some fab bits. xx

  11. Wow everyone has been so generous and their card are beautiful!
    Happy birthday!
    And i hope you'll feel better soon.
    Hugs xx

  12. Happy birthday Michelle! Hope you had a fab day!

    Glad you are beating the tonsilitis. I had mine out last year but can still remember the agony of permanent tonsilitis very clearly! ~♥~


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