10 April 2009

Messy Room ...

Vicki over at Paperlicious Oasis has posted some pics of her craft room ... I thought mine was messy but now I feel SO much better about mine!! Thanks Vicki!! LOL Here is mine like it is now:

You may notice some cards I haven't posted yet, once I have made some space to take photo's of them I will post them!!
I wish everyone a great Easter weekend whatever you get up to. I have today off so it looks like I will be tidying my craft room after I get back from picking up my new glasses! I am working tomorrow but have Sunday off which is nice and then back on Monday.


  1. OMGosh!!! You are all making me feel like a neat-freak,lol!!!
    I can't even bring myself to use glitter because of the mess,so I made myself buy some from SU,off to pick it up later & get "messy"!!!!
    Happy tidying & Easter :o)x

  2. Wow! You're brave showing pics of your craft room!!
    I couldn't show mine - although I am in the process of moving things around and sorting things out, does that ever end!!??!!
    Your space looks lovely and organised - but "lived in" lol!!
    It's very unusual to see a tidy crafter - comes with the territory!

  3. LOL!!!!!!! Thanks for posting piccies of your "messy" room Michelle, but gosh is that organised mess of what, you've put me to shame luvly.

    Have a chocolicous Easter and a fab time too (((hugs))) xx vicki xx

  4. Great craftroom Michelle, Though I think Vivki wins her own challenge hands down!!! lol. Happy Easter Michelle. Maria x

  5. oooopppppssss Sorry luvly, I forgot to tell you that I've named and shamed you on my messy blog post....pmsl.....xx vicki xx

  6. Even messy I think you're room still looks fab. I hope you have a lovely Easter Michelle. x

  7. Love, it looks like most of the rooms in my house - lol!! I'd love to sit in your craft room and have a rummage. I have to say though, I have seen previous photo's of your craft room when you've had a good tidy and it's still lovely xx

  8. oh I love your craftroom Michelle, I love whenever crafters post up pics of where they craft, I will post pics of my craftroom someday too when I tidy it :)LOL , happy easter ♥

  9. wow so nice to have own little room...but hey its your room and i bet you know where everything is!!!

  10. Lol Michelle well you've made me feel better about my mess! Glad to know i'm not the only one whos stash is all over the place.
    kerry x

  11. I've seen a lot worse, yours is actually clean! Like your blog.

  12. Michelle, nice mess but is that a brand new packet of SU Chocolate Chip card I spot thrown on the floor????? Shame on you!!!! LOL, Jules x

  13. lol now this looks like my room before i tidied it...lol.. and now it looks that bad again...lol.. never lasts long.. and you can never find bits that you need when its tidy

  14. Craft rooms need to be a little messy so that we can create better! Mine's always messy after I have been creating, but then I have a little tidy up afterwards...but then it gets messy again! xx

  15. Thanks for the look but it's not as bad as Vicki's !!!
    Glad to have found your blog though: Lovely cards :)

  16. Loved this Michelle, you'll never guess it looks alot like mine lol hugs Jill xx

  17. Haha! This is brilliant! I'm starting to think that us crafter are just seriously messy people....! Am envious of all of those lovely Copics though...! ~♥~

  18. Your rooms alot tidier than mine, you have a great range of kit in there to. No wonder you make such superb card, Take care and happy crafting.

  19. Fabulous craft room Michelle, although you will loads better if you saw mine...lol

  20. Thanks for sharing these piccies Michelle - I love seeing people's craft rooms & yours doesn't disapoint - it's yummilicious (if there's such a word lol) xxx


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