24 December 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This is a photo of my tree, sadly not a very good one! Every year we get a real one, this year it is massive!! It is about 6 foot but about 6 foot wide too!! I love the smell of Christmas trees. For the decorations we have gone for clear glass and purple with a bit of sparkly added in for good measure!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my readers this year, to all that have supported me since the beginning and to all my new readers as well. I really appreciate you visiting my little grotto. A big thank you also goes to all the lovely people that sent me Christmas cards, they are all up in my front room :0)

I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

~ xxx ~


  1. Your tree looks lovely
    Merry Christmas
    Wendy x

  2. Merry Christmas Michelle! I know you will be working, but hope you have a lovely day. xx


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