4 July 2008

Message for my Secret Sisters

I have just tried to send you all an e-mail but they are all coming back saying that they haven't been sent and that there is a failure???? I do not have a clue what is going on, sorry!

Anyway, I have put back the date for sending till the 10th August, I am sorry for the inconvenience but hope that is ok with you all. It is much better for me to be honest. I will send out e-mails for who has got who shortly (when I know they will actually send!)



  1. Hi Michelle, I got my email and I've sent you a reply. By the way there's a surprise for you on my blog! Lots of love, Denise


  2. Please don't worry it is a very kind thing to do and there is no presure I will let you know if I get mine. Sue :o)

  3. Hiya Michelle, I didn't get an email from you but I will go along with whatever you suggest, as Suzanne has already said its so kind of you to organise the swap and there's no pressure whatsoever. You've got enough on your plate at the mo with exams etc. xx vicki xx

  4. Hi Michelle

    I did get an email...hope you got my reply.Change of date is fine with me....less of a panic..lol
    Thanks x

  5. Hi Michelle, just to let you know I got my mail just haven't had time to reply til now xx

  6. As above Michelle, thank you for organising the swap & I'm happy to go along with whatever.
    Kerry xxx


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