10 May 2008

Blog Candy Time!

I have reached 40,000 hits on my blog since I started in August 2007 and I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has visited my little Grotto. One of my favourite colours is purple (the other is blue) which is why I have a purple candy up for grabs! All you have to do is add a post to your blog linking them to this post saying I have candy up for grabs then leave a comment here telling me you have done it and what your favourite colour is.

Up for grabs is some purple Craftwork Cards Birthday Mini Messages, purple Doodlebug brads and glitter, some purple Bazzill Bling flowers and a purple chalk ink pad.

This is open worldwide, only one entry per person please and it will close Saturday 10th May at 12 noon GMT. I will get Random.org to pick a post and will announce it shorty afterwards. Good luck!!



  1. Would love to join in but I dont have a blog. I do love to see all your creations - well done on so many hits
    Julie x

  2. You are being very generous with your candy Michelle - it's yummy!! Congrats on the number of hits. Your blog is very inspiring and I never tire of your creations. My fav colour is pink. Here's to another 40,000!! xx

  3. Well done Michelle and as always i look forward to looking at your next 40,000 posts. I've put a link on my blog for you too.

    Love Pam xx

  4. Now there is a blog header that looks perfect. The cards below are very cute! Love the way you color your images with such subtle colors.
    I hope I win. I hope I win. I hope I win.

  5. Hi Michelle, congratulations on the hits. Great candy too. I have added my link to your blog and my favourite colour as you can probably tell is pink. x

  6. Aww what gorgeous candy Michelle :) congratulations on your 40,000 hits, very well deserved too. My favourite colour is Pink.
    I have candy too if you have the time for my 10,000!!! hits :)
    Gina xx

  7. Hi Michelle: Just discovered your blog ... love it!

    Thanks for a chance to win your yummy purple candy!

    Now I'm off to explore more of your projects!


  8. Well done Michelle! Great candy! My fav colour pink (with green a close second)!

  9. Congratulations Michelle, I've left a link at my new blog, love your cards and check everyday to see what you've made. I love the tips you give us, my favourite was the one about water colouring, it was really helpful. I do like purple and pink but have been using a lot of green lately. Jill x

  10. You little angel candy in my favourite colour.....woosh I am off to link you up now. Well done on all your hits your blog is fab. Sue :o)

  11. Hi Michelle, I love your blog (as you know). Would love to enter but I too don't have a blog - maybe I can shout it out really loud so that everyone can hear me?!? Take care and lots of love, Denise in the UK

  12. Huge congrats Michelle and what delicious candy you have to offer. Thank you for the chance :o) I have just given you a mention on my blog. xx vicki xx

  13. Congrats on 40,000 hits! I don't have a blog so I can't enter the contest. My fav color is red!

  14. Great candy Michelle
    my fav colour is pink...surprise..surprise..well done on reaching 40,000

  15. Thank you for the chance to win! I Love purple and sage green! I posted a link on my blog :)

  16. very nice candy Michelle

    Thank you and congrats for your 40,000 hits!

    and my favorite color is blue!


  17. Sorry I just re-read the post as I was linking to my blog and saw you asked for a favourite colour too...mine has got to be blue

  18. Hi Michelle, my favorite colour is pink and would I love to win your gorgeous candy! Your cards are such a delight. Simple and uncomplicated yet stunning with it!I have put a link to your blog from mine.X

  19. Woohoo!! Congrats on your many, many hits! :)

    And woOt! We have the same fave color! I love all shades of purple :)

    I blogged about you candy HERE!
    Thanks for the chance!

  20. Hi Michelle
    Congrats on all the hits, I love your blog and you always make stunning cards!
    I have added a link to your blog on mine!
    x x x Laura x x x
    ps. my colour is PINK!

  21. Congrats on your blog! Purple is my fave color too. :) I'll put a link on my blog as well!

  22. Ooooh, just love that purple candy! I've left a link to yours from mine - congrats on all those hits :) My fave colour...hmmm.. I love pink, purple, turqoise and yellow! Can't choose between them!

    Sheila : D

  23. Michelle you cards are all amazing, so pretty, fresh and modern. I love the colours you use and am envious of your fabulous layouts (I struggle with where to position things on my cards...a lot!!!). No wonder you have had so many hits...here's to many more. I have left a link to your blog candy post on my blog and will go and add your blog to my list of favourite blogs/sites to visit.

  24. Hi Michelle and well done on your massive number of hits. I have only just found you and would not usually enter so soon but you are giving away my favourite colour PURPLE so had to have a go.
    Hope you may enter my challenges sometime
    Love Cynthia x

  25. Hi.Congratulations you have a great blog.My favourite colour is red.x

  26. Woohoooooo well done!!!!

    At the minute I am into Green, which goes very well with purple shades lol....

    It does change form time to time....

    a very generous candy indeed....

  27. Well done Michelle on 40,000 hits! It was your blog that gave my inspiration to start my own blog....I haved loved all your creations!

    My favourite colour is red!


  28. Hi Michelle, congratulations on your hits. I have added my link to your blog and my Fav colour is PINK.x

  29. Have just found your blog and I must say your things are wonderful.

    Congratulations on your hits

  30. Okay my favourite colour is pink with a close second in certainly celery!!!!!

    Off to link to my blog xx

  31. Hey you!!! Thanks for entering mine, i thought i would have a bash at yours!! Love your creations and congrats on your hits. My fav colour is pink. I will link mine to yours!!!


  32. wow! gorgeous candy micheele! i came over to your site to say thankyou for your lovbely comment on my new ~"altered" bag - have bought some more stuff today, to make more of them! please keep visiting back to see them :) i shall make a lonk on my blog now telling the world of your lovely candy - and purple is my fave colour too! have a purple/lilac bedroom!!xx

  33. Hi Michelle

    Blog candy is such a lovely idea but never more so than when its so generous... :-)... My fav colour is shades of green, it was lilac and pink until recently but on looking at everything budding for spring, its made me think about how many shades of green there is... and how without realising it I was choosing lots of green bazzil!!

    My blog can be found at http://gina-imaginations.blogspot.com/ and I have linked to your blog candy

    Gina x

  34. Wow! Thanks for being so generous! I'm afraid I can't decide on a favourite colour so am I allowed to be greedy and choose 3?! Pink, blue and yellow!

    You can find the link to you on my blog:



  35. What great candy!! I put a post on my blog linking here...my favorite color is green...ALL greens! It is so hard to pick just one green, so I love them all! I also love using green and purple together in stamping and your candy would make it super easy! ;)
    Kim Marie

  36. Hiya Michelle, I've been telling everyone about your blog. Good luck with the next 40,000 hits. You know how much i adore your cards. Take care hun and keep 'em coming! Mand xxx Ooopsie....my fave colour is green...nearly forgot xxx

  37. congratulations on 40,000 hits michelle, i have put a link on my blog http://saz1984.blogspot.com

    love sara x

    p.s my fav colour is blue

  38. Here's one more hit for you. My friend, Kim Marie had you listed on her blog. Maybe one of these days I'll learn how to set a blog up. I so enjoy cheking all of the creativity out.

  39. I don't have a blog but I wanted to leave you a comment anyways. Congrats on 40,000 hits! and my favorite color is chocolate brown. It justs goes with everything.

  40. I am linking you as soon as I am done here ! My fav color is bright pink , also purple and blue are some of my favs too !

  41. I don't have a blog, but I LOVE your Birthday Elephant card!


  42. Brilliant cards on your blog..
    sorry i cant do a link to my blog as i dont have one!

  43. Ohh yes Purple candy ;) this rocks.
    Congrats on your 40.000 hits ;) I have not even reached 500 yet :) LOL

    hugs Ria

  44. Hey Michelle

    I have added a post to my blog re your blog candy ;) As if you couldn't guess, my fave colour is pink!

    Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog again - much appreciated :)

    Pootle x

  45. I LOVE PURPLE!!! Please, please please pick me.

    Congratson the blog hits. I'm glad I found your blog.

  46. Hey Michelle, I've just put a link on my blog (http://scrapannelies.blogspot.com/2008/05/win-candy-at-micheles.html)
    My favorite colour is red! I think it's such a warm colour and my favorite footballteam plays in red too!
    Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  47. Hi Michelle!

    I love love love your blog!!! Yoyr blog candy is very generous!! I made a post about it on my blog: http://car-d-elicious.blogspot.com/2008/05/kittys-and-michelles-blogcandy.html

    I like purple but I think it is really hard to make cards with purple. Although last week I managed to make 2 cards in purple! Personally I am a big fan of the colour red, and even better the combination of red white and black!


  48. Hello Michelle - can you add me to your blog candy draw please as I don't have a blog, ta muchly!

    My fave colour is pink - but I do love purple too LOL!

  49. Congrats on all the hits, you know I'm a huge fan!!! My fav colour is either pink or lilac/purple (can't narrow it down to one sorry)

    Tara x

  50. Congratulations on your 40,000 hits, your blog candy looks really yummy!
    Have just left a link on my blog


  51. I don't have a blog of my own, but I found yours through my friend Lastel (Stampinstelsuniquecreations.com).

    Great blog and great candy!!! :)

  52. My favorite color just so happens to be purple and I added a link to your blog candy on my blog! Thanks for the chance to win all the purple goodies!

  53. Congratulations Michelle and I'm not suprised you've had so many visit's, I'm go onto your site every day!!!

    I've done my post (correctly I hope) and my favourite colour is lilac


  54. Congratulations Michelle! I'm a little way behind you! Here's my link, thanks for the chance of a fab prize!

  55. Hi Michelle, thank you for your lovely comments and linking me up, im delighted, I must link you up too , so I dont forget to pop by :)
    I have linked up your yummy candy!!! well done on reaching 40,000, your work is just beautiful!! :) hugzz xx

    Ps my fave colour is pink :)

  56. Michelle just found your blog due to a link for the candy, you have some really terrific cards. So glad to have found you, I will be returning often. I have added a link for your blog on mine come over and check it out.

  57. You're very kind Michelle what lovely candy and I have loved looking at you're blog, very inspirational.
    Sue x
    ps favourite colour pink

  58. Hi Michelle...congrats on all your hits! And some great blog candy...

    My fav color is Pink(and a close second is Purple)!


  59. Very nice blog--I just discovered you. I also like purple but everyone knows my very favorite color is blue! I put a link on my blog for you.

  60. Aww thanks for the chance to win some fantastic candy from your even more fantastic blog - it is great. :) :)

    Have linked to you on my blog:-


    Debbie xx

  61. HI, I just found your blog and it great!!! Thanks for all the inspiration, I love your creations.

    I just posted a link mention your blog candy on my blog:

    God bless you

  62. Hi Michelle... WOW how many hits?
    I have left a link on my blog to yours. I have even done a little purple tribute in honnor of your purple candy! lol!!

    mmm fave colour...would have to be colours...pinks lilacs and purples
    Though I do like the blue of the sea at a lovely beach!!! aahh if only!!

  63. Love your blog Michelle! I'm new to the blog world but can say I'm already addicted! I put a link on my page. Oh and my fav color is blue!!! Love your cards!

  64. My fav color is green...congrats to you!

  65. Purple has got to be my all time favorite color. Wonderful stuff I'd love a chance to win it all.

  66. Hi Michelle! I just came across your blog & your cards are very pretty.
    I have posted on my blog

    Anybody who knows me & my blog fully understand my love for the colour PINK!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)x

  67. Have just come across your lovely blog. Great cards love the way you colour your images. My fav colour is pink followed by lime green. Have added a link to my blog, well done

  68. I love pink you can tell that By visiting my blog.Well done on reaching 40,000 hits wow! Id love the chance to win some candy
    karen xxx

  69. I love pink a lot!

    Great blog candy you're giving away!!

    ~ Leonie ~

  70. Well done for your 40,000 hits! Have posted a link :)

  71. Thought I'd left a comment yesterday but it doesn't seem to have worked. Probably me as I'm very new to blogging! Candy looks lovely - my fave colour is blue. Have left a link on my very, very new blog. Sue

  72. Congrats on getting so many hits Michelle. What brilliant blog candy, my favourite colour is also purple.
    Jennifer x

  73. Love the purple candy. Purple is one of my favorite colours along with green. As you can see on my blog ;) My house has the same colours.
    I've put a link on my blog.

  74. I put a link on my blog which you can get to by clicking on my name. Thanks for a chance at some candy!

  75. Hi Michelle -Many thanks for visiting my blog .I have now added a link -sorry forgot to do that earlier (I got carried away seeing all the beautiful things on offer in the candy)
    Karen xx

  76. Great candy Michelle!
    My fave colour changes all the time!
    But I love orange at the moment!(and of course I love purple too! )
    I have added a link to your candy post on my blog.
    Thanks for a chance to win!
    Nicola xx

  77. Congratulations on 40,000 hits, well done, I've linked to your candy on my blog and my fav colour(s)are brown (and pink!) thanks for a chance to win your awesome candy
    lv gill x

  78. Oooh Michelle, your candy looks so scrummy. I have to admit to being a lilac and purple lover too and I think my other fav colours would be blue and yellow.

    I've put a link to your blog on my blog.

  79. Sorry Michelle, I didn't put a link to my blog, here it is.

  80. Just posted on my blog...

  81. Great blog and well done on 40,000 hits! What an achievement!! I have also added a link on my blog. Ange x

  82. WOW - fantasticblog candy and I have left a comment on my blog.

    The only problem I have is . . . I don't have one favourite colour ! If I had to be pinned down I would say either blue or green but then again . . . .

  83. Wow so many hits! I'm still quite new to blogging but I hope to get up there one day!

    Your candy looks yummy, I'm off to post a link to it in my blog now.

    My favourite colour is purple as well, closely followed by shades of green.

    xxxx Caz http://foxcrafts.blogspot.com

  84. I'd love to enter your blog candy competition.
    My favourite colour for cards at the moment seems to be purple with a splash of lime green.
    Love your cards and have put a posting about this on my blog.
    sue x

  85. Hi Michelle, thanks for the great candy. Here is my blog with the link: http://kartenfreak.blogspot.com/2008/05/kittys-und-michelles-blog-candy.html

    My favorit colour is pink.


  86. Congratulations on so many hits but its easy to see why as you make gorgeous cards.
    Have left a link on my blog.
    my favorite colour is blue.

  87. Hi Michelle.

    Thanks for the chance to win some great purple candy! Mmmm, my favourite type of candy as well!

    I don't have a blog yet but hoping to set one up next month when I have a bit more time.

    My favourite colour is pink!

    Keep up the good work with your fab blog!

    Love Vicky x x

  88. ohhhhh Love this candy! love it! I got you linked and mentioned you on my blog. I love your cards! TOO CUTE!

  89. congrats michelle, and thanks for the yummy candy from germany xx i've left an link on my blog!

  90. I want to join! And of course, I will let everybody know about your fab blogcandy!! :)

  91. Hi congratulations on the hits. What lovely candy you are offering. I have added my link to your blog and my favourite colour is purple.

  92. Thanks for the chance to win!


  93. Congrats on the number of hits. My favourite colour is red. O've posted a link on my blog. Click on my name and it should take you to my blog.

  94. My favorite color is cranberry/burgandy. But I could learn to like purple... as in your blog candy!


  95. Not commenting for the blog candy but good luck to everyone. very generous candy looks great

  96. Doh!! I left a link on my blog, but forgot to come here and tell you. LOL xx

  97. Congratulations on having 40.000 hits Wow!

  98. Congratulations Michelle on 40,000 hits wow. I'm not surprised your blog is so inspirational. I've put a link on my blog for you and my favourite colour is purple, which is good lol. Look forward to more inspiration from you.

  99. here is post on my blog http://kreatywneinspiracje.blogspot.com/2008/05/michelles-blog-candy.html

    Congrats on the hits! great cards :)

    my favourite colours are pink and green, and I also like purple

  100. Hi Michelle, your blog candy looks fab. Well done on reaching 40,000 hits. I really love the inspiration I get whenever I visit your blog.

    I am also a Pink girl.

    I have posted a link on my blog. Sue x

  101. Hmmm my favourite colour at the moment has to be turquoise. Congratulations on all your hits and I hope you have lots more! Really gorgeous candy too!!!

  102. Well done on 40,000 hits! That's brilliant! I've posted a link on my blog and would love to join the draw for your very generous gift, please! My favourite colour is also purple! Also silver and red - I can never quite decide. . .

  103. oh wow some fabbie candy Michelle, Congratulations on 40,000 hits - its no wonder your cards all fabulous. I've left a post on my blog to your candy, oh I nearly forgot my favourite colour is PINK :-)x

  104. Hiya I am a new visitor to your blog... will link back to you.
    Fav colour is purple!

    Kerry ;-)

  105. I've linked you! http://taylormadebyjenmarie.blogspot.com/2008/05/go-enter.html
    Purple is at the top of my list! ...and pink!

  106. Congratulations on hitting 40,000!

    I have many favourite colours, but I do love purple. And orange. And blue (when paired with brown). Oops, you only wanted one, didn't you?

    I've put a link to your blog candy on my blog: http://quick2blush.blogspot.com/

  107. Oooh Michelle you must have known that my fave colour was purple when making up the candy!! Its soo yummy!! Congrats on all your hits Michelle, your blog is one of the best i seen - how you manage to get them looking so beautifull without going over the top!!

  108. My favorite color is Green... But I like purple too!

  109. You are a recently discovered site! I love getting updates on my feeder. Your ideas are fantastic. I don't have a stamping blog, but I have a personal family blog that I would be happy to share if you are interested... it isn't anything great and I am in the process of adding a ton of new pictures. Anyway, I love pink... I have five girls so I got really "lucky"..... with that color. However, I am loving the color of purple... so pretty.

    Thank you for the great blog.
    Denise G

  110. I don't have a blog, but I check yours often. You are an amazing talent.
    I just have to say, my favaouite colours are blue and purple too.
    Keep the beautiful work coming.

  111. Ein toller Blog ist dies.Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist blau.
    Hier der Link zu meinem Blog.

  112. Hi Michelle,
    I don't have a blog, so I can't post but I just found you and wanted to say "Hello!" Purple is also my fave color, but being a Gemini (like you!) I have been known to change my mind!

    I love your Summer avatar!

  113. I don`t have a blog but I am a great blog watcher and I certainly enjoy your blog. I just found it recently but have already added you to my visit list. My favorite color is also purple. Do you get teased about it too? Have a great day and I will visit again...tomorrow.
    Retired Heather

  114. Congrats! I love your cards especially the elephant - so cute! My favourite colour (for the moment) is green. I've added a link on my blog: http://timetostamp77.blogspot.com/

  115. I just found your blog and it is so CUTE!!! Love, love , love it!
    Be sure to visit my blog at:


    Congrats on the big hits! WOW!

  116. I don't have a blog to post a link on but I'll like to congratulate you on 40000 comments! That's great! My favorite color is red and close behind is royal blue.

  117. Hi Michelle, just found your FAB blog, what beautiful cards..Congrats on the 40,000 hits....WOW..and I was excited when I hit 100...I will be returning to your site to see your beautiful cards. I added a link to my blog....creationsbydebbiejean.blogspot.com I just started stamping, have alot to learn. My favoite color is blue and yellow.


  118. Oh these look lovely and congratulations on so many hits. My favourite colour would be Orange, why? because it is the only colour that reminds me of all 4 seasons. It chears me up and reminds me of playing in leaves when I was younger. I have posted your blog candy onto my blog, please visit.

  119. My favorite color is pink. Sorry I don't have a blog, but just wanted to tell you that your blog is inspiring.

  120. congrats on your 40,000 hit milestone! This is so cooL, thanks for the chance! My favorite color is pink, all shades of pink! Purple is actually a close second! :) Hugs!

  121. Ooh Michelle, that's a hard one! My favourite colour always seems to be changing, however, would definitely have to go with teal/turquoise at the moment! Fab candy on offer and congrats on your hits!

  122. Well done on the number of hits, not surprising though as your work is lovely. I have just added a link to my blog.
    My favourite colour is yellow

  123. Fantastic blog and I would love some purple candy. Its hard to say what would be my favorite color... for clothing, blues and greens (and slimming black!), but for cards, purples and pinks. Home decor, burgundy/sages/blues. Color is just so powerful, they all have their place.

    candy link... http://royalthings.blogspot.com/2008/05/on-my-way-to-getting-things-done.html

  124. OH! This looks like fabulous candy! Love the colors

  125. i love me some purple! but my favoritest color..at least for today is brown!!! congrats on being such a superstar!!

  126. Such fantastic cards... and now super blog candy! Honestly can't choose a fave colour but I tend to use purple and pink and blue a lot in my card making efforts.

  127. Hi Michelle, I love your blog and have a visit every day used to go on your gallery at docrafts all the time before I found your blog love all your cards, my favourite colour is purple to.Bernie


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