19 March 2008

New Banner

So what do you think of my feeble attempt?! Don't get me wrong I LOVE the one that Jo made me I just wanted to see if I could have a go at making one myself! Quite pleased I managed it even if it is basic. I made it using Paint Shop Pro program and some free downloads off the internet. I'll have to have another play I think ...


  1. Don't put yourself down!! This is not a feeble attempt!! It's great, well done!
    xx :0)

  2. I don't think it's feeble at all!! It's great for a first atempt! x

  3. Wow its brilliant.How did you do it?I have been trying to make one for my blog and they were absolute rubbish.

  4. I love and think it's the best banner you've had so far. It is very appropriate as it resembles the cards you make.

    Katherine xx

  5. Hey that is fab, definately not feeble at all Michelle. Very well done, we will all be coming to you now for one..he! he! xx vicki xx

  6. It is really good, I love the colour you have used and the ribbon, it looks very original. I must admit I tried to do one today and had to bin it, it was so bad!! well done for trying and succeeding :)
    Gina xx

  7. Wow you are a clever girl!!! I have lots of ideas but not a clue where to start!! Love it and it is a beautiful colour!! Sue :o0

  8. FEEBLE??? ......... Ermmmmmm I don't think so Michelle it's absolutely gorgeous and that turquoise colour is to die for.

    Love Pam xx

  9. Hi Michelle, love your new banner! Have loved your blog for a long time, now I've entered blogging world I can leave comments!! lol. Many thanks for your comments too. I'm going to add you to my favs list, if you don't mind?..Kerry xxx

  10. I love it!!! ...great job - wish I could figure out how to do this! You go! :)

  11. It is gorgeous Michelle, love the ribbon and flower and the colour. x

  12. Wow Michelle!!! Yet another string to your bow My friend.
    The banner is beautiful. I love the colour especially. Well done on another success!

  13. This is a brill banner, would love to know how you did it? Well done you I say Vicki May x

  14. I think you did a great job!

  15. It is great! Nice job! I love the color, but for some reason, it does not seem like your color. xx

  16. I love it wished I could that.....

  17. how clever are you? well done hun it looks great.x.

  18. Michelle you have won an award. Have a look at my blog. Gia x

  19. Hi Michelle, your banner is great, as you know ive been a fan of your cards for a long time so ive given you an award so hop over to my blog for the details. Noleen x

  20. I really like this banner Michelle - it's not basic - it's simple and clean and that look matches your card designs perfectly. Well done you!

  21. Hi Michelle. Love all the cards. I have given you an award. Please see my blog for details. Maria x

  22. Hi Michelle,
    I have given you an award. The details are on my blog.

    Hope you're having a good Easter.

    xx :0)

  23. you are clever, it's gorgeous. I've also given you an award and tagged you!

    Tara x


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