29 January 2013

Card Making Haul - January 2013

Here is my first haul video of the year! Quite a different mix of products this month although not tons. I do have a few more bits arriving and I will also be having quite a large SU! haul next month which I am looking forward to.

Here is the video:

Links to the products:

(unable to link the Paperchase washi tape)

Thanks for watching , hope you are all happy and healthy. Hasn't January gone quickly?!


  1. Really tempted by the doodlebug Washi....haven't tried Washi tape yet but between you & Mandy - I'm swaying LOL I have placed a little SU order with Jules from the spring catalogue myself - can't wait! xxx

  2. Hi Michelle,
    thanks for sharing just love those gorguss girls items
    on my wish list now
    Suzie Qx

  3. fab haul!! love the tins too!!! That froggy stamp is sooo cute - can't wait to see what you do with it!

  4. Another great haul video, love seeing the products you buy and think I might start doing the same. Hugs, Amanda x


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