3 January 2012

2012 ... A New Year

I didn't have the best 2011. It saw me get ill, lose my grandad, break up with my boyfriend, put on weight, dislike my job, make me stressed, postpone my degree and get frustrated with making cards.

However 2012 is going to see me try to get my health better as much as possible by reducing my working hours and working in a new department. I will have more time to go to the gym so hopefully will get fitter and lose weight which will no doubt help with my health. I will be handing in my dissertation in April therefore hopefully passing it and getting my degree. I also plan on finishing my craft room organisation so I can use what I have got more.

I hope that 2012 is a great year for all.
I want it to be a happy and healthy one filled with love and smiles.


  1. hi Michelle

    firstly thank you so so much for the beautiful christmas card it's gorgeous and I'm pleased you are on the mend hun. I wish you a healthy, wealthy new year and hope all your dreams come true. I too need to loose weight lots of it lol, love n hugs Jill xxxx

  2. Happy New Year, Michelle! Sorry you had such a rough year last year but it already sounds like you're off to a positive start to 2012. Can't wait to see this year's creations!

  3. Well done on your positive attitude that's the way to go! after such a year it can only get better and i'll keep my fingers crossed for you too it can't hurt can it LOL i wish you a wonderful 2012 and can't wait to see more of your fabulous cards huggs Amanda

  4. Cheers to that Michelle! Hope all your wishes come true for 2012 and love the new look blog too, look forward to visiting your crafty place this year too :)
    Jenny x

  5. Sorry to hear 2011 wasn't so great for you Michelle and sorry about your grandad too, 2010 was a bit like that for me and although 2011 was better I still have changes to make 2012 better still My crafting was the one thing that kept me sane. I am sure the changes you have planned will help go a long way for you, and as your cards are always stunning, I dont think you need worry on that part, I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for, keep smiling K x

  6. Michelle, I wish you 100% happiness, health (which is the important one) and success this year and every year after, hugzz and blessings :) xxx

  7. Here's wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and fun 2012 Michelle.


  8. Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

  9. Well done Michelle for being so positive and i'll be keeping my eye on you too hunni making sure that you don't overdo things!

    Love n Hugs,
    Pam xx

  10. Happy New Year Michelle.
    Hope 2012 is a good one, you deserve it.
    Hugs Chris xxx

  11. I hope it will be a good one too Michelle...I had a few ups and downs...but me thinks it's going to be a good year for all...!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy new year...big hugs Vicky xx

  12. Well, you've started on a very positive note Michelle, so well done you! 2011 was a bit of a nasty one for me too so hope 2012 is a lot better for the both of us xx PS you do not need to organise your craft room - it looks immaculate - take a look at mine on my blog and you'll realise what disorganised is lol!

  13. Sorry to hear 2011 was such a bad year for you Michelle, heres hoping 2012 brings everything you could want. Hugs, Amanda xx

  14. Best wishes for 2012. Looking forward to receiving more of your emails showing your lovely crafty creations :o)
    Love Diane xx

  15. Oh my goodness Michelle you have been thro enough in the last year to last you a life time! Well they say it can only get better! So I wish you a year filled with lots of fun, less stress, big love, good health, a fitter you, lots of card making and an A+!!

    All the very best for 2012!

    Big big hugs
    Roni :o) xoxo

  16. Oh my goodness Michelle you have been thro enough in the last year to last you a life time! Well they say it can only get better! So I wish you a year filled with lots of fun, less stress, big love, good health, a fitter you, lots of card making and an A+!!

    All the very best for 2012!

    Big big hugs
    Roni :o) xoxo

  17. Awwww, Michelle after that 2011 you deserve a fabulous 2012 and I hope that's what you get hun!

    Wishing you health, happiness and never ending crafty mojo!
    Ruth x

  18. Sending Big Huggles and Wishing you a very Happy Peaceful n Safe 2012.xx

  19. Wishing you a very Happy New Year hun. I have everything crossed that 2012 will be your year. Your attitude is perfect, I think I could do with some of that!

    I agree with Jo in that I don't know what else you could do with your craft room as it's perfect. Mine however could do with your magic touch!!

    Wishing you all the love, health and happiness for 2012.

    Sarah xx :0)

  20. This makes two us hunny, I know what you mean about 2011, well 2012 isnt starting off the best, but I plan on doing my best to change that, get myself back on track with finances, and then try and get more into making my cards, and finally plucking up the courage to try and sell some!!! I have hundreds he he. I would love to go to a gym to try and lose the weight I have put back on, but nobody to go with and finances kinda put a block on that for a while, so will just have to take it easy for a bit!! We will just have to encourage each other lol, I am waiting to start my new job as well, just waiting for my security clearance to come through and then I can start, I cannot wait, new start for me completely then.


    Alex xx I am just off to play along in your sketch challenge lol

  21. Wishing your 2012 to be a good one! We all have our ups and downs and sometimes it feels like it's all downs, but I'm sure good things are on their way to you! xx

  22. that is not the bst start to the New Year sorry to hear about your loss, hopefully in the coming year things will be better for you


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