12 August 2008

To My Secret Sisters ...

Apologies AGAIN! I will be contacting you with your SS by the end of the week!!

UPDATED: I will still try my hardest to get your SS out by Saturday but I know a few of you are going away on lovely holidays (hope you have a great time!) so the deadline to send the stuff wont be for a while yet so don't worry at all :0)


  1. Don't worry you have had more important things to think about.My swirls die is a 4x4 quickutz die that came with my Revolution, Nataie managed to get one on ebay after seeing mine. Sue :o)

  2. I have left you an award on my blog I expect you already have it but I do love your blog. Sue :o)

  3. thank you Michelle for your kind words of sympathy. Sorry never got to link up blog candy for you , but I was in the middle of doing it when I received the phone call about my Grandad, so I never published that post.
    Hope you are well :) x

  4. Hi Michelle I like to give you an award plesae visit my blog to get it

    greetings, Lia

  5. Hi Michelle, no problem. I'm on holiday from Saturday for 1 week so won't be able to answer if it's after that. Hope you understand. Lots of love, Denise x

  6. no need for apologies Michelle, you've had enough to contend with lately. There's no rush, thanks so much for taking the time and trouble to sort this out for us all, it's much appreciated. xx vicki xx

  7. Hi Michelle, I have pm'd you.
    Kerry xxx

  8. Hi Michelle

    This will help alot, thanks for doing this for us. x


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