13 April 2008

Bye For Now ...

I don't generally write that much about my personal life on here but I just wanted to share a few bits with you. As most of you know I am at university traning to be a nurse. I am in my last year and due to qualify in September. Throughout my course I have time in university doing theory and time in hospital working in the wards. I took my last lot of theory last week (which felt very strange) and from now until late August I will be in placement. I am thankful that I have passed all my exams so far and just have a few left in June. I start placement on Monday in a stroke rehab ward and I am looking forward to something different. The prospect of qualifying in September scares the life out of me but hopefully I will be ok.

I just want to say a big thank you for your support and that I doubt I will be around that much for a while. I will of course be checking everyone's blogs as much as possible and be posting cards when I can. Keep up the good work you guys! :0)


  1. I hope the new placement goes well Michelle, I will miss your cards but keep up the good work, you are doing a fantastic job, where would be be without our Nurses. x

  2. Good luck with the placement Michelle! I think you'll be a brilliant nurse, one whose able to put her patients at ease. I'll keep popping by just incase you've posted. You've given me such inspiration and help.

    xx :0)

  3. Michelle - good luck with the practical work - I know you will do well. We'll miss your cards but your education/qualification has to come first.

  4. I hope you do well in your placement and good luck for the future in your very well chosen career Sue :o)

  5. Good luck in your placement Michelle, I will mis seeing your cards so regularly.

  6. Good luck with everything Michelle.
    Sharon xx

  7. Good luck with your new placement Michelle. Well done on choosing such a worthwhile career. I found your blog a few months ago and marveled at how fantastic your cards are. Keep them coming when you get the time!
    All The Best Janet X

  8. Good luck with the placement Michelle. Will be checking back for any cards when you have the time.

  9. Good luck Michelle, hope everything goes ok for you. Hope you'll find the time to do a little stamping! Lots of love, Denise in the UK

  10. Oh, what a shame but work has to come first. Good luck with your placement...you're doing a really worthwhile job. Will keep checking your blog! Jo xx

  11. I'm sure that you'll do excellent in every way possible Michelle ...... Even though you may not be around very much i'll still be thinking of you lots. Take Care and Good Luck with your placement and exams.

    Love Pam xx

  12. Good luck with the placement - I'll keep popping in to see if you've managed to post any new creations. Lovee seeing all your work.
    julie x

  13. Hi Michelle, I just wanted to wish you luck in your placement. Will miss your cards as they are always so gorgeous and inspiring. x

  14. Hi Michelle, good luck with your placement & I'm sure you will be more than fine in September.
    Kerry xxx

  15. THe best of wishes for you Michelle. You deserve to succeed and I know you will. I hope that if I ever need nursing, I'll get someone as lovely as you. Viv xxx

  16. Good luck with your placement and I will miss you here.
    I love your work and will continue to check back to see if you have uploaded anything new.

    All the very best!

  17. Hi Michelle,

    I wish you all the love and good luck for your placement. You will most definately make an outstanding nurse. I am sure that we will all miss you, but at least we have something to look forward to when you are able to spare some time to show us your creations. Take care & all the very best, lots of love xx vicki xx

  18. AAr Michelle ,you will make a fabulous nurse and i am sure every thing will be fine ,keep going babe xxxxxDawnxx

  19. All the very best with your placement Michelle. You will be missed as your blog is an inspiration to many of us!! Take care, Jules xx

  20. Good Luck Michelle,
    Ive been qualified now for 14yrs, Ive seen a lot of changes within the health service but still LOVE my "job" as Im sure you will too.
    Stroke Rehab can be very demanding both physically and emotionally but has probably been the most rewarding of all the Nursing fields I have work in!!
    As for being scared,long gone are the day's of being thrown in at the deep-end, you'll have you preceptorship to get over before they do that!!!

    Take Care
    Susie xx

  21. Congratulations on passing all of your exams Michelle, I hope your placement goes well and that you can find a bit of time to make cards because you will be VERY missed,
    Take care
    Gina xxx

  22. Good luck with your placement Michelle. I will miss seeing your creations, but obviously your career comes first. I'm sure you'll love the last part of your course and it will go quickly for you - you'll be a qualified nurse before you know it! xx

  23. Best of luck to you Michelle.I have put a card on my blog that was inspired by some of your work.Hope you dont mind.x

  24. Best of luck Michelle. I hope you have time to put a few more cards on now and again. In just the few weeks I've been visitng your blog, I've found much to be inspired by.

    Cheers x

  25. Hi Michelle, Just thought I would let you know that I think your cards are gorgeous. I was blog-hopping after just creating a blog myself yesterday, there isnt much on it at the moment. I am hoping to add a bit more each day and I would appreciate your opinion when you get time. My daughter has just finished her nurse training, she did a 3 year diploma at Chester Uni and is now a staff nurse at the local hospital. Hope your placement goes well


  26. congratulations on being so close to you goal! You will make a fantastic nurse. I completely understand that sometimes life gets in the "way" of our hobbies! I have been out of pocket the last several weeks myself. Take all the time you need and I'll still be checking in for great projects when you get time to post!


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