13 November 2007

Nestabilities Dies and the Cuttlebug

I have had quite a few people ask me about the Nestabilities dies so thought I would add a bit here about them. First of all they come in 4 different shapes: square, rectangle, oval and circle. They come in both classic shape and scalloped and in two sizes: small and large. They are designed so that you can also add an embossed edge to the shape if you wish. You can use the shapes alone or together; depending on what look you are after you can use the small classics with the small scallops or the small classics with the large scallops. I only have the the small with the small as this is the look I have gone for. This also lowers the cost of buying them! Please see some of my cards below for the finished result.

I am only able to expalin how to use them in the Cuttlebug as I only use this machine. (I also have the Sizzix Sidekick but have not tried the Nestabilities in it yet). To use the dies in the Cuttlebug you need the following: the Cuttlebug, Nestabilities dies, Spacer Plate A, Cutting Plate C, 2 Cutting Plate B's, the tan mat from the Wizard Embossing Kit and 3 pieces of card the same size as the mat.

Here are the sandwiches you need:
For cutting, bottom to top:

Spacer Plate A
Cutting Plate C
Nestabilities die
Card with pattern/texture facing downwards
Cutting Plate B

If you want the embossed edge you need to then run it through again using the sandwhich below:

Spacer Plate A
Cutting Plate B
Nestabilties die with card still in
3 pieces of thick card
Wizard tan mat
Cutting Plate B

The embossing works best if using fairly thick card and also non textured card. I haven't been able to play around using different cardstocks yet. I really like these dies, they are good value for money and give a neat clean finish. I love that they can emboss too. You can actually emboss without cutting the die out but I haven't had a chance to do this yet. Please see Nichole Heady's blog for details. She has done a really great section on using the dies and using different machines too. The only slight problem I have come accross with these dies is that some of the metal comes off onto the sides of the die cut but this is minimal and can be scraped off. This should stop after the dies have been used a few times.


  1. Thank you Michelle, I have bought some Nestabilities and was wondering why they would not emboss for me (I use them on my cuttlebug too), now I know I need a wizard mat
    Gina x

  2. I have just received my nestabilities today, I have gone for the rectangles and circles at the moment to see how I get on. This was great to come to your blog and see you had written all this. I have a quickuz revolution so I am going to try them with this first although I do have a cuttlebug as well. I am off to experiment now. Sue :o)

  3. What WOULD we do without you Michelle! :)
    Tara guided us to you, bless her.

  4. Michelle, your cards are truly inspirational, they are brilliant!!

    Well done

  5. Michelle, your cards are gorgeous! If I could make cards half as nice as yours I'd be really pleased, keep up the great work:-)

  6. Thanks for this information Michelle, I dont have Nesties at the moment but am seriously thinking of investing, but was unsure if I could use them with the 'Bug'.
    Thank-you so much, you have helped me no-end.

    Luv Cath xxx

  7. Thank-you for this information, I have been seriously thinking about investing in some Nesties, but didn't know if I could use them with the'bug'. so Thanks again for the info.
    Luv Cath xx


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