
22 April 2008

I Have Been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Natalie, so here goes ...

1. If a movie was being made of your life who would you like to be cast to play yourself? and why?

Drew Barrymore - I look NOTHING like her at all but I think she is a great actress and has a lovely smile!

2. You are spending a whole month on a desert island for charity and you have to choose your favourite celebrity to spend the first two weeks with & your least favourite celebrity to spend the second two weeks with, who would they be & why?

The first two weeks would be spent with Jamie Cullum cos he is gorgeous and he could sing to me. The second two weeks would be with Jodie Marsh. She annoys me cos she is very beautiful without all that heavy make up on but thinks she looks better with it on!

3. What are your three favourite crafting products?

Stamps, Prima Flowers and ribbon

4. If you could invent something to do anything what do you think it would be?

Something to clean the house for me!

5. What are the last three books that you read?

I haven't read that much recently, well unless you can count Closer magazine but the last one was Danny Wallace 'Yes Man' and I am now reading Richard Hammond's autobiography

6. QVC or Create & Craft?

QVC but I don't watch it that much now either. I used to watch C&C but very rarely do now.

7. Docrafts or Dovecraft or DCWV?

I have papers by them all but probably DCWV

8. What is your claim to fame?

I met Helen Baxendale before she was famous and Dom of Dick & Dom. I also saw Billy Connolly in the car park of my local hospital when I broke my arm at 10 years old! I am not sure this is what you are looking for though!!!

I tag Viv & Pam.


  1. Hi Michelle,

    I am new to blogging and have been having a look at your cards, they are all so wonderful. I have added your blog to my favourite places to visit and hope that is OK.

  2. Off to think of something interesting!!!! Ha Ha Viv xxx
    (Now teach me how to change text colour inside your post)! :)

  3. Oh michelle great answers ,its so great to get to know you more ,Dawnxx


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