
31 August 2014

VIDEO | Card Making Haul - August 2014

Hello there, I am back today to share my card making haul with you for the month of August. Hasn't August just flown by? or is that just me? It will be Christmas before we know it! ;) Anyway, I bought a TON of sequins this month. Hope you enjoy seeing what I got:


Thanks so much for visiting me today. I hope you are having a great weekend so far!


  1. Lovely haul Michelle...Happy crafting :)
    Try Sticky Stuff Remover on your new cutting mat! x

  2. Thank you for sharing this video, Michelle. I always enjoy seeing what products other crafters have purchased. There are so many products to choose from and sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming. Videos like yours are helpful when trying to make the final decisions on what to buy. Thanks!


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