
24 June 2014

Handmade Card Storage

Hello there, today I have a quick video to share on how I am storing my handmade cards. Those cards that you have made, not necessarily for an occasion/person in mind. My storage isn't very interesting, it is very simple but I hope it might be of use to someone!
As you can see I have them in a clear plastic box, I have the cards in sections separated by occasion and I keep them in clear poly bags with the envelope. This means that they are ready to go when I want to send them out.
Thanks so much for visiting me today, again I apologise for the lack of posts (and videos), I am still not feeling that great :( Hopefully I will get back on track soon, thanks so much for your support :)


  1. Thank you for sharing how you store your cards Michelle! I really need to do something like this! Your accent is so adorable! :)

  2. Hi Michelle! Your card storage is so nice. I like that you have an envelope ready with the card in the plastic sleeves. So nice to grab and mail.

    Please take care and do not worry about not posting, but I know what you mean.

  3. This is very neat! Just like the handwritten tabs, it gives that personal touch!
    Take care of yourself and get better soon!

  4. Hi Michelle! I've been following your blog for a while and i love your work. I bought a box a few days ago to storage me cards so this video is very helpful. Where do you get the plastic bag where you put the card and the envelope? Thanks again!

  5. Hi Ruth, I hope you see this message as I am unable to contact you another way. I get my cello/poly bags here - they do international shipping if you are not in the UK :)


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