
31 January 2012

January PTI Haul

Hi all, just thought I'd pop on here an show you my latest Papertrey Ink haul that arrived this afternoon. Sorry for the rush ending.

Thanks for visiting, hope you are staying warm wherever you are. Oh and remember my candy below!


  1. so jealous.... i really want to do this but the p&p really puts me off...

  2. Totally enjoyed that Michelle!! you are sooooo lucky :) enjoy having fun with all your new goodies :) xxx

  3. great haul love the new flower fusion set. Can't wait to see what you create with these goodies tfs huggs Amanda

  4. Oooh, I do love being peeking at your new stash. Thank you for the chance to have a drool!!!

  5. Wow you're one lucky girl.......I am green with


  6. Great video Michelle, you just made me very jealous ;-)


  7. Gorgeous Papertrey goodies Michelle. I have a few of them on my wish list!


  8. Hi, my friend Kate (katesmakes) told me about your blog, I LOVE your cards! So amazing. I watched the video of he tour of your craft room, is it a little forward to ask if I can move in with you ;) ! I could have all the storage in the world and still fail to organise my craft stuff!

    Love your Halloween cards, saw you don't have anyone to give them to, the very poorly children and their brothers and sisters would love them

    Lots of love

  9. Ooooh, I'm so jealous!! What a great selection of goodies for you to play with, can't wait to see what you make with it all xx

  10. jealous moi? oh god YES.... what a great selection to drool over and play with, looking forward to seeing some craftiness.

    hugs Troy xx

  11. Great video, Michelle! You inspired me to make my first video at Christmas!! Loving your stash- am waiting for hubbie's next work trip to the US so I can order my next PTI stash!! x

  12. Oooo so envious, love the pti stuff, their stamps and dies look great but like Jen the p&p puts me off (I do keep an eye on ebay!)


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