
16 July 2011


Hello all,

I'm hoping this works 'cos I'm attempting to post from my iPhone. I wanted to come on here to explain my recent absence.

Following my lumbar puncture I sustained complications. For my lumbar puncture they drain my spinal fluid to lower the pressure around my brain, they took too much spinal fluid this time and dropped the pressure too much. I wasn't able to walk, sit up or eat for five days. I spent six days in hospital and I am now home. I still have a headache and have been told it may last another week. If it doesn't go they will get me back into hospital for a procedure where they inject blood into my spine - I really don't want that so please cross your fingers it goes!

Just wanted to let you know, apologies for not replying to e-mails etc but hopefully I will be able to soon.

Best wishes to you all,


  1. Hey Michelle,

    I found you by accident looking for a Facebook page I setup for a friend who has a custom card business.

    That sounds pretty nasty young lady... Hope all goes well fo you and you get better really soon,,

    Take care

  2. Not sure if you had my last post..

    I found you looking for a Facebook page I created for a friend also in the custom card business.

    Hope all goes well and you make a full recovery, take care,

  3. Hey Michelle, what you are going through sounds awful. Get well soon and I have everything crossed for your headache going away!! Love and best wishes Maria x

  4. Take care Michelle and do as the Dr orders and hopefully you'll soon be feeling a whole lot better.

    Loads of Love n Hugs,
    Pam xx

  5. Oh Michellle :( you poor thing, I will remember you in prayer and get my Mum and Mum in law to pray too for you (if that's ok?) I truly hope you'll be fighting fit real soon hug hugzz xxx

  6. Take Care and get well soon, missing your lovely cards.

  7. OMG Michelle, so sorry to hear your still not well. Hope you get better soon, take care. Amanda

  8. awww so sorry to hear you had complications and was so ill, i have my fingers crossed for you that it settles soon and you are feeling much better :)
    Big hugs
    Mel x

  9. Oh Michelle that sounds awful, i really hope you start feeling better soon and you can avoid having another procedure. Sending thoughts and hugs, Kate x

  10. Hope the headache goes, fingers crossed, take care missing your blogs - Barbi -x-

  11. WOW!!! Hugs! Hope your head and everything else is better super soon!!!

  12. Oh my goodness, sounds like you've been through the mill !!!

    Hope your health soon improves and you don't require that extra hospital visit.
    Jenny x

  13. So sorry to hear about everything you're going through. I know I don't comment often but I do visit all the time. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and I really hope you're better soon and back sharing your beautiful cards with us. Kind regards, Marie xx

  14. Oh Michelle! This is terrible. I am glad though that there is light at the end of all of this. I've only just discovered your blog and all the lovely creations. Do take your time and recover well!

  15. Hi Michelle,
    omg! you poor poor thing i wish you a speedy recovery x
    big hugs
    Suzie Qx

  16. Michelle, sorry to hear about the complications and all the unpleasantness of the last week. I am praying for the headache to go and a good outcome! Lots of love from Australia, Tanja

  17. Oh Michelle, I do hope it doesn't come to them having to inject blood into your spine. What you've gone through already sounds just terrible.
    I accompanied my sister when she had her lumbar puncture and witnessed the horrible after effects with her procedure - where there were no complications! So I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through.
    Take it easy, I hope you have someone who can take care of you.
    Lots of hugs and feel better wishes,
    Elizabeth x x x x x

  18. I'll keep my fingers crossed for

  19. No apologies necessary! Feel better and concentrate on your heath! Hugs and kisses!

  20. No apologies necessary. Concentrate on your health. Feel better!!! Hugs and kisses!

  21. Get well soon - You're one of my favourite bloggers!

  22. So sorry to hear what you've been going through, Michelle. Poor you. My fingers and toes are crossed that you make a speedy recovery and don't have to have blood injected into your spine.

    Sending good wishes


  23. Hope you make a speedy recovery Michelle! Keeping my fingers crossed that you get better ASAP and don't need further treatment x

  24. michelle just wanted to wish u a speedy recovery and hoping fingers crossed it rights itself so no further intervention required. hugs.

  25. Oh Michelle you poor poor thing!! Please don't be apologising just you get better, we'll all be here in bloggy land with our fingers and toes crossed that your sore head disappear's and everything will be okay! Wee soul!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :O) xoxoxox


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