
23 April 2009

Hello There ...

Hello to my readers, I just wanted to let you know that I have added a CBox on the panel on the right for you to ask any questions you may have. Thought it would be easier having them in one place! If you have no questions feel free just to leave me a message/say hi etc!

For all of those of you that were aware of the pain I have been experiencing in my back, I had my first physio appointment today and she has found that the bones in my lumbar and coccyx are impacted - how lovely! She doesn't think that this is the same pain that I have been referred to her with, caused by what I believe is kidney stones, however she has found this out so is going to try and improve things for me for this problem.


  1. Hi Michelle
    ouch hun hope you get your back sorted soon, not nice, hugs sue.x

  2. Hi Michelle. I hope the physio helps with your back pain, my husband suffers terribly with his back and sometimes is in agony. I really hope you are feeling better soon.

    Take Care
    Natalie x

  3. Oh Michelle, you poor thing. I really hope you get fixed soon. Take care chick ~♥~

  4. Hope the physio helps with the back pain. Feel better soon!
    Hugs, Vicky x

  5. Oh Michelle, I feel your pain, luckily mine is on the mend now, hope you feel better soon :)
    Hugs Gina xxx


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