
5 May 2012

Mess, Mess and More Mess!

Looks like I know what I will be doing today ...

I really do not know why I don't just clean up after each card, it would make it so much easier than having to tidy up my entire craft room! So what about you guys? Do you tidy up after one card or leave it till the end like me?

I will be back later with another card and also be back on Monday with some blog candy to celebrate my birthday at the end of the month :0)


  1. Wow Michelle this is the first time I have seen your craft room messy lol, at least now I know I am not alone. Hus, Amanda x

  2. Big Smile :o))))
    Don't worry- You are not alone...I'll join you!
    Warm greeting, Simone

  3. Yikes Oh My Gosh Michelle ..... I'm soooo pleased to see that your craft room does get a bit messy at times!!! Mine is always a mess lol.

    Love Pam xx

  4. I always try and clear-up after each craft session. This is more to do with the fact that I am concerned about the cat messing with my stuff than any saintliness on my part! Have a good weekend, Jo x

  5. OMG.... I thought mine was a mess!! hehe

    Christine x

  6. Oops...! well you should see mine after a good crafty!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  7. I know this problem Michelle. I try to clean up after each card. But it isn't possible. So one time a week clean up the complete craft room ;)))
    But I love my desk after this ;)
    Have a great weekend
    Doreen xx

  8. I know this problem Michelle. I try to clean up after each card. But it isn't possible. So one time a week clean up the complete craft room ;)))
    But I love my desk after this ;)
    Have a great weekend
    Doreen xx

  9. I know this problem Michelle. I try to clean up after each card. But it isn't possible. So one time a week clean up the complete craft room ;)))
    But I love my desk after this ;)
    Have a great weekend
    Doreen xx

  10. Well I envy you having a craft room to make a mess in! I have a small corner of a room for storage & a fold-up table for crafting on so it makes me very self-disciplined, I have to tidy up after every crafting session;-)

  11. Hi Michelle,
    Oh dear someone's going to be busy lol...i usually tidy up as i go along but sometimes i get a bit lazy and leave it until i can't stand the mess any longer lol
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend :) x

  12. Ha ha ha, you can be messy after all Michelle!!! My craft room was like this but I have just tidied it up so now looks quite nice....until tomorrow. Maria x

  13. WOW michelle you are always so tidy i cannot believe my eyes ha ha! I must say I tidy up after each card,I cannot work any other way.....hope you got all tidied up, cant wait to see what you made to make the mess lol!

  14. Lol - ooh it makes my desk look tidy!!! No I try to tidy up but it just doesnt happen I just move stuff around :-)

  15. Yay! Woohoo! I cant believe you do get messy Michelle! :D

    I should clean up after each card but I don't, hence the reason I've not been in my craft room for a while as it needs gutted and taking what I need out and doing it at dinner table doesn't help coz all I do is dump it in my room when I'm done :$

    Big hugs
    Roni :o) xox

  16. I knew there were crafters like me - not everybody has a craft space like the work desk Wednesday crew. It can be hard finding enough space to work can't it!!! Jx

    Hope the tidy went well.

  17. I've not seen pics of your room this messy before ;0) I don't always tidy straight away so you aren't alone! xx

  18. Hee hee, I saw Staceys post saying the same thing and mine looked like it too! All clear now though ready for me to mess it up again!

    Love Beth xx

  19. Michelle, you definitely are not alone.... mine needs to be done.... erm tomorrow!!! I sometimes think it give inspirations!!!

  20. This is exactly my problem too, my room doesn't look too dissimilar at the moment!!
    Jenny x

  21. Ha ha!! I'm not quite sure how you actually did any crafting- was it on the floor?!!!! I'm afraid to say I always tidy up after each card- must be the librarian in me!!!! x

  22. Wow, can't believe this Michelle - I imagined you as a really tidy crafter! I end up with a mess like this but do try and tidy up after, if I have the time!! Juliexx

  23. Michelle, I cant move in my craft room ... LOL ... the floor is even covered with stuff and the kitchen table... lol ... a messy room is a used and loved room, hugzz xxx

  24. You call this a mess?? Well at least your ribbons look tidier than mine. I use one of the guest rooms for crafting in, which is OK until we have visitors and we have visitors arriving on Monday! Have spent most of this week having a clear out and good tidy up. Also had to put most of it away in a locked spare wardrobe, our 3 year old Grandson will be sleeping in this room, so everything out of mischievious hands!!
    Love Sheila x

  25. Oh this has made me chuckle
    I am like this....but worse!

    I say that put away after I use, mind you IF I do I then can;t find it hehe

    mandi x

  26. Wow! Don't you have a lot of stuff? I only have a little, crammed into a box bedroom. You seem to like the same colours as me though, so you obviously have taste.

  27. I am so pleased that someone else's Craft Room looks like mine!! However, yesterday my lovely sister came and completely tidied it - top to bottom. She brought new little baskets with her has done a 'DIY SOS' on my little crafting space! I love it!


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